all postcodes in YO1 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO1 7GA 1 0 0 0
YO1 7AH 5 0 53.961082 -1.078787
YO1 7AL 4 0 53.961246 -1.079195
YO1 7BD 5 0 53.960623 -1.078782
YO1 7BP 41 0 53.960351 -1.078514
YO1 7BR 34 0 53.960955 -1.078729
YO1 7BS 19 1 53.960589 -1.077823
YO1 7BT 32 0 53.96201 -1.07799
YO1 7BU 32 1 53.961226 -1.077641
YO1 7BX 13 4 53.961476 -1.077437
YO1 7BY 10 0 53.960864 -1.076186
YO1 7BZ 11 0 53.961238 -1.078098
YO1 7DE 17 0 53.961428 -1.077088
YO1 7DF 15 0 53.961235 -1.076498
YO1 7DG 5 0 53.960786 -1.077788
YO1 7DJ 2 2 53.960412 -1.086423
YO1 7DN 1 1 53.960536 -1.086268
YO1 7DP 6 3 53.960136 -1.08684
YO1 7DR 2 2 53.960791 -1.086622
YO1 7DS 1 1 53.961417 -1.086203